Tips for Home Remodelers on Establishing Brand Authority


It's no secret that cultivating a compelling brand in the remodeling industry is a huge factor in any company's success. Long before the rise of websites, blogs, and social media, businesses still had to create an image that compelled customers to trust their products or services.

However in the age of internet information overload, it often feels a lot harder to make your remodeling brand's voice rise above the noise. 

Yes, a customer's trust may be harder to foster than it once was, but we're here to say that the current remodeling marketing climate is by no means impossible to navigate!

So what's the key to standing out in the information age? Two words: brand authority. When the answer to any question is only a few clicks away, then you establish your brand's credibility by joining the conversation. 

The heart of compelling content marketing is doing your research and sharing it with your customers. Don't know where to start? Ask yourself questions like, what trends are exploding in my industry? What common questions could be addressed about my brand, field, or product? What do people need to know about my brand's mission? What issues or problems do my products or services correct and how? 

After you've crafted blogs, infographics, and social media posts about your area of expertise, the next step is to engage with other leading brands in your field. Success doesn't have to be exclusive, after all a rising tide raises all boats; your competitors can be allies in referrals, exchange of information, and exposure! 

Looking for more information or help establishing your brand's authority? Don't hesitate to get in touch; helping small businesses in the home building industry get noticed by their niche happens to be our area of expertise!